Get involved

MASK Create (formally Mobile Art School in Kenya, MASK) is a UK registered charity (No 1128734) dedicated to advancing education through creativity. We rely on donations to fuel our work, making your support vital to our mission.

There are several ways you can contribute to MASK:

  1. Make cash donations via Total Giving, Paypal, or GoFundMe to:

    • Increase MASK Awards cash prizes to 1 million Ksh in total (£6,000).
    • Produce teaching manuals for distribution in Kenyan schools.
    • Acquire an 'artmobile' for MASK school outreach in Kenya.
  2. If you represent a company, consider including us in your Corporate Social Responsibility policy. Alternatively, offer your space to host art or innovation exhibitions to support our cause.

  3. Follow us on social media and help spread the word.

Thank you for helping us empower young minds through education in creativity.

#1 Donate via PayPal

#2 Donate via Total Giving

If you are a UK taxpayer, we are HMRC registered to collect Gift Aid on your donation.

#3 Donate via GoFundMe

#4 Follow us on social media


#5 Contact us