Amon Kibet

Nairobi, Kenya

Amon Nyamache Kibet's artistic journey was sparked by his creative family. He grew up with a father who crafted musical instruments from everyday items and a mother who sang in a local choir. "My parents taught me to be creative," he says.

But what really ignited his passion for art was a smartphone. "I realized I could capture the world and create new things through photography and film. Seeing how technology and creativity connect is fascinating."

Amon participated in MASK Awards and adds that this helped him to build and express his ideas. "I am following other artists from the MASK community and study how they work."

Kibet wishes to help people overcome their challenges. "I hope my creations can inspire and support others," he says. 


Shortlisted by MASK Awards 2022

Artist statement

I strive to be authentic, finding solace in art, that I hold dear, during moments of uncertainty. It serves as my sanctuary, my safe haven. My work is geared towards those who embrace individuality, seeking to stand apart from the crowd. I aim to forge my unique artistic path, igniting curiosity and sparking interest among my audience.

CV & exhibition history